Monday - Went to Snoqualmie Falls with the family. It was the first time that I've actually taken a ride in Josh's orange replacement car. :-) It was a nice drive and day. Once we got there we were a bit disappointed that the trail was closed....until March 2013! Wow...that's a long time. But we still got to see the falls. The kids really enjoyed seeing the big waterfall. It was such a nice day. Then we went into town and looked a bunch of old trains that are parked there. It was really neat. Busy soooo wanted to go inside them, but most were closed to the public. It was still neat getting to see them.
After the trains, hubby took us to a little family Mexican restaurant. My immediate reaction was to fuss about the cost of going out to eat. But I decided to keep my mouth shut. We haven't been out to eat together is such a long time. The kids were super pumped about it. And shockingly, I just decided to relax and enjoy it. :-) I have such a hard time spending money....especially on food. But it wasn't too bad. Josh paid and we headed out. I was grateful (not proud) that I had just kept my mouth shut and that we had all had a fun time together. That's more important than the $.
Tuesday - Off to work I went and the kids were supper excited that Nana and Aunties were back home from CA and go to take them to swimming lessons. After work, I took the kids to wrestling and although my class was canceled I forced myself to exercise. I was sore that next day. But it felt good to get back into the grove after a summer of non-exercise.
Wednesday - Today I had 3 little boys over for a repayment playday. Their mom had watched Busy while mom was out of town. I was honestly nervous as to how the day would go....but it turned out being a good day. There were a few little things, but I kept them all super busy. They played Legos, then Wii, then we went to the park, back home for a picnic lunch, then off to the museum, then to the water park, back home for quiet time for the younger kids and Wii for the older ones, then off to Target for classroom supplies, then it was time for the Ranger/Mpact girl BBQ to kick off the programs for the fall. It was really a pretty good day.
Thursday - Oh, what a blessed and peaceful day yesterday was. I am striving to get my life in order so I can bring order and life and blessings and joy to the kids'. We went to swimming lessons then came home and worked on random summer schoolwork and chores. I'm trying to ease them into a schedule so next week it's not a shock to their system when school starts back up. After a late lunch we took a pretty long walk; well, they rode their bikes and I walked. :-) Then they had some outside time. Alone, outside time is one of my new goals for this schoolyear. The kids are surrounded by "things" to keep their attention. I want them to be about to go outside and find something to do or play on their own.
Busy and Hubby went to wrestling while Sweetie and I backed brownies at home. Although eating them canceled out my morning exercise! I'm sore this morning though so I guess it doesn't 100% cancel it out. :-)
Then after books and rockie with Sweetie, I headed upstairs to finish up the school planning for next week. I feel like I'm the most on top of things this year than I've ever been which feels super nice. I just don't want to overload them just because I'm excited. :-) I love learning and teaching. I'm changing a few things up this year and trying to not just do PACE work only. Although I love the program, I want them both to have a love for learning and Busy can get bored with the same thing over and over. I'm going to try and incorporate several other things in this year to keep things changing a bit throughout the days. I just hope it's not too much. We'll give it a try and see. Mostly I want to see them love Jesus, their family, and be respectful and obiedient children.
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