Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finding the fall

Really cramped for time today, so I'll just quickly say that we had a fabulous
weekend celebrating Busy's 8th birthday!
He was so blessed by many kind birthday words and people going out of their 
way to make him feel special. 
I know that some people say they have issues growing up as a pastor's kid,
but we are not going to feed that into him at all. 
Both of my kids have been soooo blessed by those in our church. 
Friends, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, and more
have been a blessing to our family in multiple ways. 

I can't even begin to say what a feeling of pure joy I have as I've 
focusing more of the little things.
Like.....taking a little extra time to make shapes out of 
our pancakes.....simply because it's puts a smile on these two little faces. :-)
We had a lovely dinner of Tortellini Soup with fresh homemade bread the other night. 
My hubby asked why I was turning the light off and then he saw me light the candles. :-)
It was a really relaxing evening.
After they eat, my hubby and the kids migrate into the living room and begin hanging out and doing devotions together while I clean up. 
I used to think it sacrilegious for me to be cleaning while he did devotions because I wanted us to be together as a family. :-)
However, upon more thought, I think it's a good think because he doesn't have near the amount of time to speak into their lives on a daily basis and it's been a great time for them to bond over the Word. 
It always leads into great discussion which I slip in on and then we end in prayer.

Not really related to the post, but I like it:
Most men are called to do specific things, but a woman has a pool of abilities from which she can draw and do many things. That's why Proverbs 31:11-12 tells us,
 "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."
This man trusts her because the Proverbs 31 woman has learned how
 to tap into the anointing of the helper. 
It's like the old saying, "Behind every great man is a great woman!" - The Successful Family

So today, I am challenging myself to be the "great woman" that I am called to be.

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