Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Friday, December 16, 2011

My curly haired girl....

"How beautiful you are, my darling!
Oh how beautiful!" 
Song of Soloman 4:1a

This is my girl....and she has curly hair. 
For some of you looking at these pictures, thinking "that's not that curly". 
You are correct. It's not THAT curly, but it is curly enough to cause tangles galor. 
I can't even begin to imagine having to manage super tight curly hair. You can just comment when I'm done and say what a gift I have and to stop belly aching about it. :-)
What you're looking at is actually after I have stuggled, she has cried, and it is brushed out as straight as possible and put into braids. I absolutly love her naturally curly hair simple left wet and air dried. However, so do the tangle monsters. They not only love it, they adore her hair. 
Plus she's a tosser when she sleeps so that doesn't help with the inevidable tangles. 
This is a picture of her after waking up and what her braids look like which means mornings still have the rebraiding process. Which is better than the detangling process, but somehow they still creep in. She was actually putting a pin on her great-grandma in this picture. It was so precious. 

Last night was a rough brushin out night....
She cried as usual.
I got impatient as usual. 
Nobody wins in the hair brushing process at our house. 
Am I alone?

I was actually thinking about the recent Little House we had ready
where it spoke of Mother loving brushing out Laura's hair before bed
and what a bonding time that was for them. 
It made me a little sad because hair brushing time is not a great mother/daughter time for us.
Reagan is such an AMAZING little girl that hardly ever needs correcting
or discipline at all. So I always feel terrible after I've verbally told her to stop crying over
getting her hair brushed. I do believe that she has a very sensitive head. But still....

Well, I want to try very hard to set aside time (?) that we can sit down and
turn this hair brushing process around. What a wonderful thing to have it 
be a loving memory of time together instead of tears (from both of us.) Just kidding...well, most of the time. :-)

"Your beauty should not come form outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gently and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful...."
I Peter 3:3-5a

She is a beautiful little girl...inside and out. 
After our difficult hair brushing time, I laid in bed with her for a long time just cuddling and talking. 
Hopefully, those are the memories that she will take away.

Friday, December 9, 2011

From the blessed/annointed fingertips of Ann Voskamp at 
“Like the to-do list that isn’t touched and the read alouds I don’t read with children and the memories I’m not making and the intentions I don’t follow through on. Like the decisions I can’t make– and then do make. And wonder if they were the right ones at all?”
I don’t have to look up. I know how she’s listening, how her eyes are simply waiting to hear, understand. A mother can always be pregnant – full of grace. She must feel it, me all stirring.
It’s about getting it all right?” Did she speak this softly when I wailed through the nights, when she held me and rocked?
“No…” Why do I always have soul amnesia? Why can your head figure things out so much faster than your heart? Why is it that what runs through your veins learns so slow? It’s about praise, not perfection.
The only right is found in His righteousness and grace is always the most amazing of all.

Yesterday, I decided that making memories in December is far more valueable than doing math. I've always talked about taking December off of school, but I feel so someone will find out. :-) 
My heavenly Father already knows that December is super busy for us (as well as many others) and He's that one that I'm trying to please. 
So yesterday we did NO school. Insert gasp here....
But we did enjoy family time and learning happened along the way. I'm not an unschooler by any stretch of the imagination. However, as I journey along this homeschooling path that God has called my family to, I discover that my own expectations and requirements sometimes (often) take away the joy of learning. 
Sweet Girl showed her brother how to properly wrap a Christmas present. It was so sweet. He was struggling to get it right and she said that she used to be bad at wrapping gifts also but that last year I had sat down and showed her how to do it and now it was easy. She was then showing him. It was learning being transfered. 
We cooked. Cleaned. Played with puppies. Cooked some more. Wrapped presents. Made gifts. Talked about family members. Shared stories. Had dinner together with Daddy. Practiced piano. Had good and bad moments. Read more of the Christmas story. Stayed up too late just loving on each other. 
Yes.....that's a good trade off for Math. That'll come later. But yesterday.....I chose to LIVE IN THE MOMENT! 
Blessings to you and your family as you capture December moments together!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lord, help me continue to change

If you don't like IT -
 then change it! 
Change your attitude,
 change your heart, 
change your habits,
 change your mind! 
Every excuse is a lack of desire ... 
You are not a victim ... 
You are more than a conqueror through Him!!!

A friend's FB post yesterday....
it was a good reminder.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Be shepherds
(provide, protect, direct)
of God's flock
(ownership, accountable)
that is under your care
(with a loving nature/loving/gentle/concerned)
serving as overseers
(doing what is right/best for them)
not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be;
(right attitude)
not greedy for money
(not looking for the immediate reward)
but eagar to serve
(with humily)
not lording it over those entrusted to you
(not dictating)
but being examples to the flock
(but modeling)
and when the Chief Shephard
(Jesus is our pattern)
you will receive
(the reward is coming)
the crown of glory that will never fade away.
(it's permenant)

I Peter 5:2-4

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Almost Perfect Day!

"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

As I sit and write this, my husband is reading Mark 11 to the kids while they lay on the floor cuddled up with a pile of blankets. I am curled up in the rocker with a small quilt and a cup of coffee. 
Today has been pretty idealistic. 
Dinner was delicious. 
Fish, sweet potato fries, and corn bread that both the kids pitched in the make. 
Reagan set the table, Javon lit the candels, Dad came when dinner was announced. 
Hands held to share a prayer of thanks.
 I can hear the dishwasher running. 
The laundry baskets are empty. 
The main areas of the house are all clean. (Not every drawer or cabinet.) :-)
School was a dream. 
Not perfect, but better than other days. 
Well, it was actually pretty perfect. 
After a delicious oatmeal breakfast, we watched 
The Mysterious Islands by Vision Forum.

 It was shot on the Gallapogos Islands and is where Darwin formed many of his theories.
 But we know we have an amazing Creator and the Islands showcase that beautifully. 
Then came Math, English, and Lit for Javon and Math, English, and Phonics for Reagan. 
For lunch Javon had a chili cheese baked potato and acted like I was the best mother in the world for making it for him. Reagan on the other hand was at her happiest in the kitchen making her own lunch which was a turkey sandwich with lots of pepper. :-)
The sun was streaming in the dining room window as we sat enjoying each others' company. 
A quick call to check on Nana who we made sick over the weekend along with several piano pieces by Javon concluded our lunch break.
 Then we were on to Drive Thru History: The American Founders. 
Such valuable lessons to be learned from those who have gone before. 
Spelling came next, map work, and Social Studies for Reagan (who is doing fabulous on her reading).
 She just happens to be "reading" about the birth of Jesus which was a great addition to our day.
 I originally had written "learning" but changed it to "reading" because she learned about the birth of Jesus many years ago. :-)
To wrap up our school day, we read Mark 10 and prayed over our November requests.
 It was 4 p.m., but the day was so lovely we decided to begin a new book for family reading titled
 "Twenty and Ten" which is about hiding Jewish children in 1944.
 Then a 30 minute house tidy and dinner prep. 
It just felt like so many pieces all fell into place today. 
It was a normal home day. 
House work to do. 
Six puppies and two dogs to care for. 
Meals to make. 
School work to be completed. 
Discipline to be administered. 
Training to be done. 
Quiet time in the Word to be had. 
And yet, in all the normalcy of the seemed absolutely perfect. 

Thank you Father for Your love and reminding me that this is why I do what I do. 
Days like today don't always happen, but when they do I am so much more aware of the blessings that I have been given. Blessings of children to train, a home to care for, a husband to love and serve. 
These are the things that are fulfilling. These are the things that make me whole. 

"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 
I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me." 
Psalm 13:5-6

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Motivational Bouquet of Love

We hear over and over again that love is the greatest motivational tool we have for training our children. 

Here are a few ideas that I found in an ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) Newsletter.

Genuine Love - Our actions must show that we really mean it when we say, "I love you." Children can spot a hypocrite a mile away.

Unconditional Love - Tell your children, "There's nothing you could ever do that would make me stop loving you." Our love doesn't depend on their behavior; it is a choice we have made.

Premium Love - Just like premium fuel, daily walking out our love for the children will "cost" us something. Are we willing to sacrifice for their growth and well-being?

Hopeful Love - If a child knows you love him, it brings him security and hope. We should speak "faith" to our children - showing them we believe they will overcome in this evil world.

Understanding Love - Get to know the children in your sphere of influence and have compassion for them, recognizing their specific needs and challenges. Remember that they are children, so expect them to be immature at times. When they do, show them loving patience.

Consistent Love - Consistency breeds security. "Line upon line, precept upon precept" - daily, consistent love and guidance is what our children need from us.

Unending Love - John 15:12 tells us to, "Love one another, as I have loved you." God's love is eternal; He NEVER gives up on us. Aren't you glad? We need to persevere in prayer and love our children through the rough spots of life, just as Christ loves us.

If we share God's love with our children/students in all these ways, we will see a change in their attitudes and accomplishments. However, the biggest change will be in us. As we turn our hearts toward our children/students, the Lord will soften OUR hearts and help us to be true, walking examples of the love of Christ.

This was written to teachers in Christian schools. Wow. If only we as mother's and father's could do this with our own children. I am so grateful for the many men and women who have given their lives to teach in Christian schools around the globe. It is an unbelievable privilege to be able to teach my own children, but I do not take away from the thousands that are training up other peoples' children in small Christian schools. Without a pastor who had a vision for a Christian school in our churches basement, I would not be the person that I am today.

As a Kids' Ministry Leader, these are bold words for using with someone else's children. 
But isn't that Jesus' heart? Yes! Praying that we can truly love our own children as well as those around us.

"Give and it will be given to you. 
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, 
will be put into your lap; 
for the measure you give will be the measure you get back." 
Luke 6:38 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Encouragement is oxygen to the soul....

Encouragement is oxygen to the soul. 
- George Matthew Adams
I've been reading this book mostly because I am 
vividly aware that death and life come in the form of words.

It is a fabulous read. 
I would recommend it for all woman seeking to use our words for good and not evil. 

"A word is dead when it is said, some say. 
I say it just begins to live that day."
- Emily Dickinson

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, 
who have been made in God's likeness. 
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. 
My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 
Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 
My brothers and sisters, 
can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? 
Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water." 
James 3:9-12

God has given us incredible power in our sphere of influence, 
and it begins with the words we speak. 
- Sharon Janynes in The Power of a Woman's Words

A careless word may kindle strife;
A cruel word may wreck a life. 
A bitter word may hate instill;
A brutal word may smite and kill.
A gracious word may smooth the way;
A joyous word may light the day.
A timely word may lessen stress;
A loving word may heal and bless.
-Author Unknown

That's just a few snippets on the topic of the tongue. 
I decided to pick this particular book up after using an ugly tone of voice with my 
son last week. (See previous post.) :-)

I was actually on the chapter about how much of a blessing that we can be to 
those around us with our words when I checked my email and
was pleasantly surprised to see an email from a former teacher!
The words that she said were such a blessing. 
So refreshing. 
Such a GIFT. 
She said that she still prays for my family by name after 12 years - priceless!
The gift of words to encourage others was right there in front of me. 

Have you encouraged someone today? 
Would you take a challenge with me? 
  1. Say an encouraging word to each close family member every day!
  2. Write an email, card, e-card, fb message, etc to someone that you no longer see                              but still value once per week.
Let's be a blessing with our words!

"The Bible has a lot to say about our mouths, 
our lips, our tongues, for our speech betrays us. 
What is down in the well will come up in the bucket."
- Vance Havner 

Friday, October 21, 2011

I feel like I need to join AA for my tone of voice....

Today was a rough day.
Overall from the outside it was a good day,
but in my heart it was a rough day.
Because I yelled at my son after he spilled puppy formula.
I was not kind.
I was not loving.
I proceeded to tell him how expensive the puppy formula is.
How we didn't have money right now to buy milk for our own family and now the VERY EXPENSIVE puppy formula was gone for the day.
Was it true that we were out of milk? Yes. But we got paid today.
Was I being over dramatic. Absolutely.
It all sounds so vile.
So unmother-like.

Sharon Jaynes in The Power of a Woman's Words says:

People simply need someone who will believe in them and tell them so; 
someone who will fan the flame and not extinguish the fire. 

It is better to build children then to repair adults. 

Tale of Two Households

"I got two A's," the small boy said. 
His voice was filled with glee. 
His father very bluntly asked. 
"Why didn't you get three?"

"Mom, I've got the dishes done,"
The girl called from the door.
Her mother very calmly said, 
"Did you sweep the floor?"

"I mowed the grass," the tall boy said, 
"And put the mower away."
His father asked him with a shrug, 
"Did you clean off the clay?"

The children in the house next door
seemed happy and content. 
The same things happened over there, 
But this is how it went. 

"I got two A's," the small boy said. 
His voice was filled with glee. 
His father proudly said, "That's great;
I'm glad you belong to me." 

"Mom, I got the dishes done," 
The girl called from the door. 
Her mother smiled and softly said, 
"Each day I love you more." 

"I've mowed the grass," the tall boy said. 
"And put the mower away." 
His father answered with much joy. 
"You've made my happy day!"

Children deserve just simple praise
For the tasks they're asked to do.
If they're to lead a happy life, 
So much depends on you!

Author Unknown

Paul wrote, "Fathers (and mothers), do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.] Colossians 3:21 Amplified Version

The whole scene lasted only 60 seconds.
The milk got cleaned up.
The puppy got fed.
I asked forgiveness.
He forgave me.
We went on with our day.
From the outside it was a good day.
But what did his little heart hide away?
What message did I send to him in that 60 seconds?
Oh, it makes me want to vomit.
I fail so often.
In such a quick moment I can damage my kids for what may take root and stay for a lifetime.

Lord, I need your help to control my tone of voice when my frustration rises to the surface!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The important things....

 Barbara Bush understood and spoke with an eye to the eternal 
when she told the women at Wellesley College, 
"Cherish your human connections, your relationships with family and friends...
those human connections with spouse, with children, with friends are the most 
important investment you will ever make. 
At the end of your life, you will never regret not passing one more test, winning one more verdict, or 
closing one more deal. 
You will regret time not spent with a husband, 
a child, a friend, or a parent." 
 Discerning what is eternal isn't easy; 
it is often camouflaged in the simple, ordinary things of life. 
The temporal is brassy and demanding and loud. 
It stands up and screams for our attention. 
But we have to train our eyes to see the eternal
in the unlikely events of everyday life. 
-Smart Women Keep It Simple
Annie Chapman
These pictures where taken last spring. 
Yesterday I celebrated another birthday. 
Next month my son will turn 9 years old. 
How does it go by sooooo fast!?

As I begin another year of my life, 
I want to really discover what every day holds. 
What little miracles.
What things I've missed along the way.
What gems are there for the taking but it may take a bit of chiseling to bring them out. 
How can my attitude improve to find the blessings in EVERYTHING?

These are questions that I long to answer this year. 
As I listened to Steve Jobs give a commencement speech back in 2005, 
it was a startling reminder that he had no idea he would only live another 6 years. 
He said that everyday he would ask himself in the mirror, 
"If today were your last day, is this what you'd want to be doing?"
And if he reply back "no" for too many consecutive days 
then he knew that he needed to make a change. 

Well, as a mom, wife, employee, etc. 
a change of the everyday circumstances is not usually accessible.
However, a change in my ATTITUDE and OUTLOOK of the day is totally
able to be changed. 
Praying that I can live this 33rd year of my life with 
a newfound grace to face each day as a 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Some days...I'd love to live on a farm. Most days....I wish I could afford better quality local food.

 We just went to the fair and the kids had a great time. If it didn't involve all the work of having a cow....I'd love to have a cow. :-) It would be such a blessing to have fresh milk...and meat. 
 My mom has been talking about getting chickens at their house for a while now...
I called her and said, "Please get chickens." 
I want FRESH eggs!

This sickens me!

Food Inc - Official Trailer [HD]

Friday, September 23, 2011

Modern Family Ministry

I am trying very hard to formulate an understanding of where my heart says my head should go...or vis versa. 
Where my head is telling my heart to go? 
Where the Holy Spirit is guiding me....

I have heard Family Based Ministry for years....
but it hasn't really grasped my soul until resent days (months). 

Type in Family Based Ministry and thousands of articles pop up. Pros, cons, and everything in between. 

Tonight I learned three terms that seem to be very prevalent regarding the topic itself.

1) Family Integrated Ministry - Completely abandoning all segregated ministries and the family attending church together for every service/event. 
2) Family Based Ministry - Usually keeps ministry segments but offers intergenerational opportunities for parents during all services/events. 
3) Family Equipping Ministry - Segmented but includes parents. More emphasis is put on training the parents that necessarily involving them in ministry. 

All three have there place. 
I could easily fall into any one of the categories listed. 
Of course being the Children's Ministry Director at our church and my husband being the Youth Pastor....
our whole ministry/job is based on segregation! Family ministry could put us out of a job! 
But isn't that the point really?????? To equip family to train their children instead of us!
Isn't that what we long for, desire, complain doesn't happen? Yes. 
What does this mean? 
I'm not sure, but I'm really ready to be open to family ministry and what that could mean for our church. 
Now, the problem lies in the fact that others (leadership) doesn't always get this. 
Because family ministry is messy!
Yes, messy!
It makes parents take responsibility. 
It makes older ladies rise up and train young mothers. 
It makes elders step up and take care of the widows and single mothers and hold fathers accountable. 
It begs for us to put action to our deeds. 
To put legs to the gospel and not simply take care of our own needs but of those around us. 

Praying for this to become clear in my mind and for God's will and vision as I humbly try to lead our Children's Ministry. 

Any ideas/thoughts?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Living Each Moment

"Lord, please let me never forget how rich my wonderful life is right at this moment. Please let me never forget that all I have is all I need. Please let me never forget to give thanks." 

Phil 2:14 - Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing. 

Phil 4:11 - For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 

"S" - The "s" on the end of circumstanceS changes everything. 
I can often be content in a singular circumstance. But when the circumstance becomes plural it becomes more difficult. Or when others are speaking into my life how tough my summer schedule is, I find myself agreeing. Although I love it. So why am I nodding my head in agreement that the eight weeks of non-stop crazy are difficult when I wouldn't want it any other way?
 Sure...a nice, slow, vacation filled or lounging around summer would also be nice, but that's not my life! 

So because my life right now consists of event after event and church camp after church camp with a wedding for my sister squeezed in the middle and a 9 day missions trip tagged on at the end....I want to fully embrace each moment and live knowing that I am so blessed to have the opportunity to do so much. 
Why do we so often look at blessings as burdens? I'm sure god questions our motives at times when we ask for a rich, full, and blessed life and when He gives it to us then we complain about doing the laundry on Saturday in between the life giving moments of the busy weeks. Or allow our minds to swell - worriedly - on the details of the weekend instead of enjoying the moments leading up to each weekend event. My desire is to embrace them (each busy event written on my calendar) as memory making opportunities instead of as a checklist of overwhelming tasks to complete. But I am well aware that this can only happen if I "have the same attitude as that of christ Jesus!" Phil 2:5

Friday, September 16, 2011

Worthy is the Lamb

"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not blot your name out of the book of life; I will confess your name out of the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels." Revelations 3:5

By the graciousness of life I am being formed into so much more than I could engineer, either with a single decision or a multitude of them.  - Max Lucado

I am almost done reading through the New Testament and have really enjoyed being in the book of Revelations. I admit that it has not always been my favorite book of the Bible just because I feel there are so many analogies that I don't yet understand and probably won't in this life. BUT I have so enjoyed being reminded that we will ETERNALLY be praising our Lord and Savior. It thrills my heart to read that right now the angels are bowing down and crying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

I am overjoyed that one day I will stand before my Lord...
so unworthy....
yet so loved. 

"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!"
Revelation 5:12

Monday, September 12, 2011

Don't want to label....but

Homeschooling the ADHD Child

Homeschooling an ADHD child can be a real challenge. Here are some of the issues we deal with regularly in our home:
Bored boy
  • Distractibility - cannot keep on task when given an assignment
  • Frustration - low frustration levels when given an assignment that is confusing or repetitious
  • Boredom - easily bored with repetitive tasks like spelling and handwriting, or math facts
  • Clueless - unless you are working with a gifted child, you will reach times where the information just isn't understood
  • Careless - sloppy work and careless mistakes
  • Endless school days - unaware of the concept of time and prove this by taking 3 hours to complete 5 math problems
  • Insanity - can drive even the sanest parent to question their sanity
  • Noise - 3 or more children chattering away at the same time, tapping pencils, rolling desk chairs across the floor; child 2 distracts child 1 while child 3 has disappeared to who knows where
  • Grace - God's grace is sufficient, for His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)
Homeschooling an ADHD child will present you with a unique set of challenges. Because of the existence of learning disabilities in a large percentage of ADHD children, the parent's teaching style must match learning styles of these children as much as possible. Most ADHD children are just not good classroom learners, so attempting to recreate a classroom at home will not benefit the child, or you as the homeschooling parent.
Allowing your child to read standing on his head or in the frog position might work better than sitting at a desk or kitchen table. Some children do better reciting math facts while jumping on a mini-trampoline or hopping around the room. Allow your child to try different learning environments. The biggest challenge for parents who were classroom learners themselves is giving up the classroom paradigm.
Unit Studies and Hands-On Activities are a great choice for at least one or two of the child's subjects. We choose a topic, such as Inventors, and create a study based on this topic with activities in History, Science, Creative Writing, Vocabulary, Spelling, and sometimes Math.
It is possible that your ADD/ADHD child is a Kinesthetic Learner or Gifted Some children, especially the gifted ADD/ADHD child, may learn best with a modified form ofunschooling.

My boy....

Rough day on the home front. 
I love my son to death and he is a tremendous blessing from the Lord. 
He is also extremely stubborn and strong-willed. 
He has been from the day that he came into this world. 
Even as a tiny baby, he was very opinionated. 
We have worked with, prayed over, talked, yelled on occasions, disciplined, and more. 
With the beginning of each school year I think to myself that THIS is going to be the year that 
everything finally falls into place and he starts loving school....but with each year I am again 
reminded that his strong and stubborn will often prevent him from enjoying things because he 
gets so caught up in what HE wants to do which is usually not his school work. 
Again, I love him to death. 
He is the smartest little boy that I know. 
He is incredibly bright, likable, witty....and stubborn. 
He can do his work in no time flat once he finally starts. 
He's a dottler. 
He finds it easy to complain about the task set before him. 
I have tried so many different techniques to try to break this habit in his life, yet here we are 
approaching 9 years old and his natural tendencies continue to manifest. 
I try very hard to remember that his mind and activeness will one day be of great benefit to him and those around him. He's going to be an amazing adult with vision and purpose and brilliant ideas.....if he will just apply himself. 
There are days that I wonder if he were in a normal school setting how he would respond....(not that I would ever put him in a regular school setting because I know that God gave this little guy to me to train and love and develop). 
Would he fall behind the class because he simply wouldn't apply himself?
Would he fly ahead of everyone because he LOVES competition? 
He doesn't have anyone to compete with at home. Which often leads to problems with his 2 1/2 year younger sister because he tries to compete with her.
Anyways, today has been a rough school day. It is now 5:30 and he just finished English which should have been done right after lunch. I had him go in his room which he hates because he doesn't like being alone. He dottled on his Math this morning as well. He does it as long as I'm sitting there pointing and working on each problem with him, but that isn't possible all the time for me nor do I believe that it's healthy for him because he has to learn to work independently. 
I know that isn't all his fault. I know that there are things that I have done wrong along this road of homeschool motherhood. Any one else out there struggle with a very strong-willed and stubborn child and their school work? 
My daughter is very much the opposite and very compliant and does school with no problem. I'm actually glad that my first child has been the challenging one.

Again, I want to reintegrate that I love him to death and know that God has a very bright future for him. 
I simply want to be the best mother for him that I can possibly be. 
That has to be the key. 
I have failed to pray sufficiently for him. 
I have failed to pray sufficiently for me. 
I have failed to pray for wisdom with him like I should. 
I think I shall go pray. 

Any advice?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." Abraham Lincoln

Friday, September 9, 2011


I feel as though today I pulled my boot straps up and got some order back in my life!

We've been gone the majority of the summer....

No really!

We've been gone the majority of the summer....

Camping with our family kicked it all off July 4th weekend.


Kent Cornucopia Days advertising for Vacation Bible Adventure and selling crosses for missions trip.


Jr. High Camp


Sr. High Camp


Vacation Bible Adventure (home; but not really home)


Kids' Camp


My sister's wedding


Missions Trip


Church Campout



So needless to say, I've felt a bit out of order. Add a few bridal showers, blueberry picking days, park trips, and you can pretty much conclude it was a very busy (good) summer.
Nothing that I couldn't keep up with, but my laundry was getting just enough done to make it.
My bills were getting paid at the last minute.
My "extra" chores list hadn't been looked at in multiple weeks. Well, it had been LOOKED at but nothing done with it.

We started light school last week and full blown school this week....
which put the housework on hold except the necessities and I forgot how fast school papers piles up!

So today, I have been working from 8 AM to 1 AM doing school, cooking meals, putting away laundry, scrubbing the tub, having neighbor kids over for science experiments, and I finally tackled the bills/paperwork pile. It feels very gratifying. Of course, there is always more....
but for tonight....I feel like I accomplished some major things today.
That's a good feeling. Summers around here are always full of fun and adventure, but they also leave me a bit frazzled without a schedule and ready to step back into my world of lists and to do charts.

Thank you Lord for my family, my home, Your Word, other ladies on the internet who give encouragement to total strangers, and a million other blessings!