Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Friday, September 9, 2011


I feel as though today I pulled my boot straps up and got some order back in my life!

We've been gone the majority of the summer....

No really!

We've been gone the majority of the summer....

Camping with our family kicked it all off July 4th weekend.


Kent Cornucopia Days advertising for Vacation Bible Adventure and selling crosses for missions trip.


Jr. High Camp


Sr. High Camp


Vacation Bible Adventure (home; but not really home)


Kids' Camp


My sister's wedding


Missions Trip


Church Campout



So needless to say, I've felt a bit out of order. Add a few bridal showers, blueberry picking days, park trips, and you can pretty much conclude it was a very busy (good) summer.
Nothing that I couldn't keep up with, but my laundry was getting just enough done to make it.
My bills were getting paid at the last minute.
My "extra" chores list hadn't been looked at in multiple weeks. Well, it had been LOOKED at but nothing done with it.

We started light school last week and full blown school this week....
which put the housework on hold except the necessities and I forgot how fast school papers piles up!

So today, I have been working from 8 AM to 1 AM doing school, cooking meals, putting away laundry, scrubbing the tub, having neighbor kids over for science experiments, and I finally tackled the bills/paperwork pile. It feels very gratifying. Of course, there is always more....
but for tonight....I feel like I accomplished some major things today.
That's a good feeling. Summers around here are always full of fun and adventure, but they also leave me a bit frazzled without a schedule and ready to step back into my world of lists and to do charts.

Thank you Lord for my family, my home, Your Word, other ladies on the internet who give encouragement to total strangers, and a million other blessings!

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