"Lord, please let me never forget how rich my wonderful life is right at this moment. Please let me never forget that all I have is all I need. Please let me never forget to give thanks."
Phil 2:14 - Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing.
Phil 4:11 - For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
"S" - The "s" on the end of circumstanceS changes everything.
I can often be content in a singular circumstance. But when the circumstance becomes plural it becomes more difficult. Or when others are speaking into my life how tough my summer schedule is, I find myself agreeing. Although I love it. So why am I nodding my head in agreement that the eight weeks of non-stop crazy are difficult when I wouldn't want it any other way?
Sure...a nice, slow, vacation filled or lounging around summer would also be nice, but that's not my life!
So because my life right now consists of event after event and church camp after church camp with a wedding for my sister squeezed in the middle and a 9 day missions trip tagged on at the end....I want to fully embrace each moment and live knowing that I am so blessed to have the opportunity to do so much.
Why do we so often look at blessings as burdens? I'm sure God questions our motives at times when we ask for a rich, full, and blessed life and when He gives it to us then we complain about doing the laundry on Saturday in between the life giving moments of the busy weeks. Or allow our minds to dwell - worriedly - on the details of the weekend instead of enjoying the moments leading up to each weekend event. My desire is to embrace them (each busy event written on my calendar) as memory making opportunities instead of as a checklist of overwhelming tasks to complete.
But I am well aware that this can only happen if I
"have the same attitude as that of christ Jesus!" Phil 2:5
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