What does living "in the middle" mean? I'm not 100% sure but I'm coming believe that I often live there and that's not where I want to be.
Jesus didn't call us -me- to live a life in the middle. Choosing neither one way or the other. It sounds counter to what I always say about having balance in my life, but this is different. The "middle" represents the fence post. Am I going to be radically in love with Jesus in my home, neighborhood, ministry....or just enough in love with Jesus to get by?
Middle-intermediate or average. On neither extreme. Medium.
Those are not words I want to describe my spiritual life!
I want exceptional. Flowing from the lineage of Abraham and Sarah. Living in freedom from the law. (See Galations.) Not a slave to mediocrity just because the world says I have to fit into a box. Oh, let me change that, OR the church says we have to fit into a box. I'm not saying to not follow the teachings of the Word! Absolutely not!!! I'm saying, I want to be so radically in love with Jesus that it flows through in every area of my life!:)
Galations 1:10-
10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
I think I "live in the middle" too. . and I also want to do something about it. I have been particularly praying about not trying to win the approval of humans. . only God. . which is difficult in this world. Praying for you. Pray for me? Have a blessed day. :)