Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today, tomorrow, and every day after that.....

God has a plan for MY life.

Sometimes we spend so much time doing group activities at church that we forget that God sees us individually.

How do I feel about myself?

How can I love this life that I have?

I have to understand that I'm in a process! God is doing something. He not only sees where I'm at right now.....he sees me in 5 years, 10 years, 50 years. He sees where I am in the future.

What am I doing to influence my children's personalities? Good and bad....

Everyone Jesus healed eventually died, but he helped them live the life they had left with new wholeness.

I do not have to feel bad about myself because God has a big plan for me, but I have to walk upright and do what I need to do to be MY personal best. Not held up to anyone else's standards. Simply my personal best. Spiritually, emotionally, physically.

Jesus understands me.

Jesus loves me. Not because I've done everything right, but because I'm His child.

I have to make a decision to change and improve ME. Not focus on my circumstances or those around me.

There is joy in the Holy Spirit. Pray. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Daily. Constantly. All the time.

There is redemptive correction which is done through God's love. Am I willing to accept it? Am I willing to walk in it? Am I willing to adjust my notions of my own life?

I want to be the real deal. At church, in my home, in my marriage, in my mothering, in my neighborhood, in my appearance, in my everything.

Take me Lord and help me to become what You desire me to be.

I want to enjoy the JOURNEY as well as my husband and children enjoy me along my journey.

1 comment:

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    Bonni from
