Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

God's Blessings...

God's blessings are amazing and never ending!

From our last post you saw that we breed our two dogs and sell the pups. This litter has been a difficult one to sell. First off, they were all boys! Most people want girls or at least they think they do so they don't even come to look. Then we had to lower the price because they simply weren't selling. We've never had that happen before. I thought that being so close to Christmas would be a great time to sell them, but actually it turned out the opposite. Anyways, after lowering the price we have sold all but one little guy. Since the kids do soooo much work in the care of the pups, we decided the last little that we would give them $50 each to purchase whatever they wanted. This NEVER happens and we thought it would be another part of the learning process of breeding pups and the income received/tithes/saving that comes from hard work. (We do not give money for "extra" things done around the house.) Well, since we had to lower the price this time we told them they would each only receive $25. Which seems like a lot but after 3 months of daily caring for, feeding, bathing, and mostly cleaning up after 5 puppies twice a day - they deserve it. They were totally fine with the lower amount and understood. Again, another teaching moment!

Well, today I received an email from a couple who purchased a puppy on Saturday. They said that they were so grateful for the the care we had given the pup and that they were impressed with what great parents we were to our kids and that they wanted to bless them with a $50 gift card to Build A Bear! Seriously, that was so incredibly nice of them. It was a reminder that our Lord is in the blessing business!!! I haven't told the kids yet, but I can't wait. Not because of the money, but because it's another teaching/learning opportunity about how much Jesus loves them. I'm so proud of them for all their hard work and great attitudes.

Thank you Lord for Your amazing blessings and ways of reminding us that You see, know, and care!!!

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