Psalm 147:1

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Here you see...
The beauty of my fall table scape.
Beautiful lit candles ready for a lovely evening spent with family....
This is the aftermath of our lovely candle lit dinner....
It actually seemed much worse in real life. 
Josh yelled....."WHOOOOOAAAAHHHHH"
and I ran in just in time to see the foot high flames right before he 
poured his bottle of water on the fire. 
Thankfully he was sitting there eating!
I don't even want to think about what "could have been" 
had he not been sitting there. 
It was sooo fast. 
Unfortantently, my table suffered some damage...
but nothing compared to what could have been. 
We were both very thankful that God was watching 
over us tonight. 
It was a reminder that fire is a dangerous thing
that needs to be watched closely.
I've never been a big candle person until this year. 
This was a good wake up call to never leave them unattended.
I said a little prayer for someone tonight that might not 
have caught their little fire that turned big and they lost everything.
I'm sure that somewhere it happened....and it could have been us tonight. 

Thank you Lord for your wonderful protection 
and reminders that we are so blessed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Snow in Seattle....

Monday was a normal day at co-op. 
Tuesday was  a normal day at work and the kids at Nana's. 
Wednesday was a normal home day doing school. 
Then a Thanksgiving dinner at church for all the kids.
Thursday was anything but normal!:-)
Busy had a DR appointment in the mid morning which I knew would
waste our entire morning and then it is always hard to get back in the 
groove once we get home. 
I grabbed the kids' schoolwork on the way out the door 
and asked if they'd like to do school at McDonald's 
(we don't have a playland in the town we live in so it's always a treat for them to go)
and of course they agreed!
It went really well actually. 
I was kind of surprised. :-)

 Then Friday was another normal day.
Saturday I had a TON of errands to do and as we were out and about I noticed Reagan eye 
was turning pink! Oh no....then the tears came because it was burning so bad.
We very rarely stay home on a Sunday (about 1x per year)
but due the contagious nature of pink eye, I didn't want to expose others to it. 
It was a WONDERFUL day home with my baby girl.

 This is what she looked like Sunday morning. (After I had cleaned the gunk out.)
Poor girl hated to get her eye drops in but eventually we got them in. 
Her eye was better this morning but the other one is pink. :-(
She's had this yucky ol' cold now for almost 2 weeks and I think her little body
is just tired of not feeling well. 

Last night it began snowing and we had a great night cuddled up together. 
Today it snowed even more, which is unusual for the Seattle area in November. 
It started out as a great day. I got up and started doing a ton of things, 
but the afternoon didn't go so well. 
That's life I suppose. 
Now I'm waiting for my sheets to dry and about the make up my bed, 
eat dinner, tuck the kids in, get in bed and reflect on a my day a bit 
before my eyes close.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I found a GEM!!!!

This book is fabulous! I want to type word for word but that wouldn't work for my life or yours. :-)
It is a fabulously put together book by a lady that found a stack of magazines from the late 1800's 
and has used them to compile a book that reminds us "modern" day woman 
how things used to be and challenges us to make a home of peace and happiness.

Ohhhhhhhh, I love it so much. I NEVER purchase books simply because it's not in our budget...
everything comes from the library....
BUT I'm going to purchase this one used on Amazon as soon as I can. 
It's that good!

Here's a few excerpts.... 

"In modern life, the days, weeks, months, and seasons hurdle past us at breakneck speed. 
Do we even pause to acknowledge autumn's arrival in crimson and gold, 
winter's first snowflake, 
the sprouting of spring daffodils, or the return of lemonade leisure with the 
first hot summer afternoon?
These simple pleasures are meant to be 
But we have so little time!
A century ago the four seasons of our lives were linked with time-honored traditions, 
and the cycle of the year hold cherished pastimes for families to enjoy together.
Gone forever it seems are those halcyon days when the pursuit of happiness at home
was considered worthy of devoted attention." 

And it only gets better from there....

I have always been a "busy" person and 
didn't necessarily see the need to light the candles for dinner, etc.
However, this year has been different. 
God is helping me to slow down,
tend my "own garden" prior to other responsibilities,
and enjoy the small things in life.
It has been a wonderful transition time in my life.
On the outside, nothing much has changed...
but on the inside, I can feel a change happening. 

These are our fall drawings based on The Little Yellow leaf.
This is one of my favorite fall books...
both for the story and the illustrations. 

Praying that you're having a wonderfully blessed fall.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


We have tried a variety of different chore systems over the years...
But considering the kids were still fairly young still
I wasn't as consistent as I should have been they haven't always worked long-term.

However, at the beginning of the school year (Sept) 
I made these chore charts on the internet and posted them in the dining room/school room.
It's going fabulous!!!
I rarely have to remind them to do their chores. 

I know that people have differing opinions on allowance....
I did not grow up earning an allowance. 
My mom always said that since we all lived in the family we all worked 
and don't receive payment for that. 
I totally agree with that. 

However, the only way that I ever received $ as a child was when my grandparents gave it to me.
So, I wanted a way to show my kids that they need to earn money for a job well done. 
We do not have a set allowance day. 
It is whenever they have completed 5 days of all their chores. 
If they "almost" got done one day that day doesn't count. 

Another difference I have from some on this topic is that they do not receive $ based on their age.
Since my two are only 2 1/2 years apart (and my 5 year old is super responsible and a very hard worker)
I give them the same amount because they are doing the same amount of work. 
They receive $3 per 5 days of chores completed.

There chores are:
Busy - 
  • Make bed, brush teeth, and take vitamins before school (I know that brushing teeth and taking vitamins aren't chores :-) but it helps us all remember.)
  • Feed and water the dogs
  • Put all shoes away in the correct locations that have accumulated in the foyer shoe basket or hall.
  • Take out the recycle
  • Help empty the dishwasher 
  • Tidy room in afternoon and again prior to bed
  • Read a book to his sister (they love this time together!)
  • Exercise (again, not a chore but a guarantee that it's getting done...30 pushups, 50 situps, 100 jumping jacks)
Sweetie - 
  • Make bed, brush teeth, and take vitamins
  • Sweep entry way after brother puts the shoes away (usually she asks to mop also!:-)
  • Dishes (this can be helping me wash them, put them away, or help brother unload the dishwasher)
  • Wipe down bathroom counter
  • Take out bathroom trash
  • Tidy room
  • Reading time with brother (he reads her a book)
  • Exercise 
They have just gotten into a rhythm with their chores and most days I don't even 
have to remind them. 
Sometimes, if they want to do something special I'll ask them 
to get their chore chart done and they will quickly get to it.
It wasn't always without a "moooommmmmm" at first, 
but we quickly worked through that and now most days the chart is done without a complaint.

Another area that I perhaps differ from some is that we do not give 
"extra" money for larger or extra tasks. 
Those are part of being in a family. 
The chart is more about teaching responsibility and that certain things must be done daily to 
keep things in the home running smoothly. 
They know that I might ask them to do 5 other chores in a day like put away 
a pile of laundry, etc. and they are expected to do that without a fuss.
It's all part of being a family. 

It's been really great for us. 
If they see something they want then we quickly figure out how many 
weeks they will need to work in order to purchase that item.
Which I believe helps with the instant gratification that most Americans suffer from 
Sometimes they work very hard and go back weeks later to purchase that item...
other times they realize that really didn't want it after all.

How do you handle chores? Allowance? 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fabulous book find!

"Sentimental Victorian pictures - such as this one entitled
The Mother's Blessing -
helped to comfort and prepare parents for the inevitable.
In the prevaccination era, it was a rare family that did not lose 
a child to sickness. 
During the mid-nineteenth century, 
the child mortality rate was 50 percent."

How terribly sad! I can't even imagine. 
The lose of a child would be the most difficult thing
I can imagine facing in life. 

The library has opened up a world 
of books that I would have never experienced
had I not had the opportunity to borrow books.

Ohhhhh, today I found a good one!
Actually, I found it a week ago while browsing online
and it just came in today. 

Mrs. Sharp's Traditions ~ 
Nostalgic Suggestions for Re-Creating
The Family Celebrations And Seasonal Pastimes
of the Victorian Home
By Sarah Ban Breathnach

Mrs. Sharp's Old-Fashioned Petticoat Philosophy of Parenting

"First of all, obligations already existing in your family life 
can become perfect opportunities for family tradition 
making and togetherness.

Secondly, special family times must be scheduled into modern lives;
they do not occur spontaneously.
Strong, emotionally healthy, and loving families spend time together ~
working, playing (and praying!). 

Third, the three P's to perfect family
 (not sure there is such thing as perfect, but perhaps perfect for your family):
setting priorities, planning, and prayer.
These three elements are essential for parental peace of mind. 

Fourth, by incorporating 
routine, rhythm, and ritual into your life
many happy moments and memories will result."

I'm so excited to dive into this great resource!
Lord, I fail so often. 
My desire is to be a great wife and mom. 
I feel as if I succeed in many areas of marriage, motherhood, and ministry;
but when I have a bad day it's hard to imagine that my kids will remember the good 
over the bad. Please help me to put into practice the many words of wisdom that 
I daily receive from Your Word, books, blogs, etc.
My desire is to be a consistent example of You to them. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Proper American Flag Etiquette

The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is not a drapery, bedspread, receptacle or shawl, and should not be embellished, used as advertisement or ornament. 
The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind. 
A flag patch may be worn on the official uniforms of military personnel, firefighters, police offers and members of patriotic organizations, but otherwise, the U.S. flag should not be used as part of any costume or clothing. 
The flag should be flown only during daylight hours unless it is illuminated. It should be raised quickly, crisply, with determination, and lowered slowly into waiting hands, folded neatly and stored away. It should be honored as it is hoisted and lowered, the honor stance held until the flag is unsnapped from the halyard and the last note of music has died away. 
To signify mourning for principal government leaders or on presidential or gubernatorial order, the flag is first hoisted to full staff (the top of the pole), then slowly lowered to half staff (halfway along the pole). It is again raised to full staff before it is lowered at the end of day. 
On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half staff until noon, and then at full staff until sunset. 
When used to cover a casket, the flag is placed with the union at the head and over the left shoulder. The flag should not be lowered into the grave. 
The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary, and destroyed by ceremonial burning when it is too worn to serve as proper symbol of our country.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finding the fall

Really cramped for time today, so I'll just quickly say that we had a fabulous
weekend celebrating Busy's 8th birthday!
He was so blessed by many kind birthday words and people going out of their 
way to make him feel special. 
I know that some people say they have issues growing up as a pastor's kid,
but we are not going to feed that into him at all. 
Both of my kids have been soooo blessed by those in our church. 
Friends, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, and more
have been a blessing to our family in multiple ways. 

I can't even begin to say what a feeling of pure joy I have as I've 
focusing more of the little things.
Like.....taking a little extra time to make shapes out of 
our pancakes.....simply because it's puts a smile on these two little faces. :-)
We had a lovely dinner of Tortellini Soup with fresh homemade bread the other night. 
My hubby asked why I was turning the light off and then he saw me light the candles. :-)
It was a really relaxing evening.
After they eat, my hubby and the kids migrate into the living room and begin hanging out and doing devotions together while I clean up. 
I used to think it sacrilegious for me to be cleaning while he did devotions because I wanted us to be together as a family. :-)
However, upon more thought, I think it's a good think because he doesn't have near the amount of time to speak into their lives on a daily basis and it's been a great time for them to bond over the Word. 
It always leads into great discussion which I slip in on and then we end in prayer.

Not really related to the post, but I like it:
Most men are called to do specific things, but a woman has a pool of abilities from which she can draw and do many things. That's why Proverbs 31:11-12 tells us,
 "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."
This man trusts her because the Proverbs 31 woman has learned how
 to tap into the anointing of the helper. 
It's like the old saying, "Behind every great man is a great woman!" - The Successful Family

So today, I am challenging myself to be the "great woman" that I am called to be.